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2023-05-16 10:33:34     浏览数量:







2023 年 8 月 23-25 日,兰州













“一带一路”国际科学组织联盟(ANSO)  跨大陆交流与丝路文明联盟(ATES) ● 联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)驻华代表处 ● 匈牙利科学院(MTA)


● 兰州大学 ● 敦煌研究院 ● 中国科学院青藏高原研究所


● 中国科学院自然科学史研究所 ● 中国科技大学 ● 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所 ● 西北大学 ● 北京大学 ● 复旦大学 ● 厦门大学 ● 中国丝绸博物馆


● 兰州大学:夏欢(xiah@lzu.edu.cn)  ● ATES:俞妍博(ybyu@itpcas.ac.cn) ● ANSO:冯婧嫄(Jingyuan.feng@anso.org.cn)

ANSO Silk Road Forum & The 2nd ATES Open Science Conference 23-25 August 2023, Lanzhou, China

(First Announcement)


The Silk Road traverses complex terrain and landscapes including plateaux, Gobi Deserts, oases, mountains, basins, forests, and steppes across Eurasia. Its distinct geographical landscapes and changing environment played significant roles in the development of the trans-Eurasia exchange and Silk Road civilization. Before opening up the Silk Road, this region was an important East-West link, with multiple paths and extensive population dispersal, economic and cultural exchanges, and so on. The Silk Road greatly facilitated long-distance and large-scale exchanges of economy, agriculture, religions, culture, and technology across Eurasia, having a far-reaching impact on the progress and development of human civilization.

However, due to ethnic, religious, linguistic, and national differences, as well as complex geopolitical relationships, there are critical gaps in systematic sorting and communication on scientific issues such as the early human dispersal, agricultural and pastoral development, route shift and demise, technology development and exchange, civilization evolution, and environment changes, as well as a lack of sufficient data, models and theoretical support, which limits the comprehensive study and scientific understanding of East-West exchanges along the Silk Road regions.

The Association for Trans-Eurasia Exchange and Silk-Road Civilization Development (ATES) was established under the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) in 2019 to promote interdisciplinary research and international cooperation. The ANSO Silk Road Forum & The 2nd ATES Open Science Conference will be held in Lanzhou, China on 23-25 August 2023. This international conference will bring together renowned experts and scholars from the Silk Road countries and other regions to share the most recent findings of interdisciplinary research and discuss the future development of ATES. This is also one of the events for the International Year of Basic Science for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD), initiated by UNESCO in 2021 and supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

01、Date and Location

►Date: 23-25 August 2023

►Location: Lanzhou, China

02、Theme and Topic


Evolution of the Silk Road Civilization and Environment Change


1) Environmental Change and Sustainable Development of the Silk Road

2) Paleolithic Culture and Human Migration

3) Trans-Eurasia Exchange of Early Farming and Herding

4) Evolution of Silk Road Network and Towns

5) Silk Road Science and Technology Exchange

6) Genetic History of Silk Road Populations

03、Participating Organizations


●  Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO)

●  Association for Trans-Eurasia Exchange and Silk Road Civilization Development (ATES)

●  UNESCO Beijing Office

●  Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)


●  Lanzhou University

●  Dunhuang Academy

●  Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences


●  Institute of the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences

●  Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

●  University of Science and Technology of China

●  Northwest University

●  Peking University

●  Fudan University

●  Xiamen University

●  China National Silk Museum

04、Contact Information

●  Lanzhou University: Ms. Xia Huan   (xiah@lzu.edu.cn)

●  ATES: Ms. Yu Yanbo (ybyu@itpcas.ac.cn)

●  ANSO: Ms. Feng Jingyuan (jingyuan.feng@anso.org.cn)

05、Brief Introduction to the Hosts


The Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) is a non-profit and non-government international scientific organization founded in 2018 by 37 international science and education institutions from around the world. ANSO is committed to becoming an action-oriented international organization with global impact in catalyzing and implementing programs and initiatives in Science, Technology, Innovation and Capacity Building (STIC) for the promotion of shared development and the advancement of the UN 2030 SDGs. In the past five years, ANSO has designed and implemented a series of projects and programs, from collaborative research, training projects, science-based advisory, scholarships and visiting fellowships, to achieve its goal. By the end of 2022, ANSO has 67 member organizations, including national academies, research institutes, universities and international organizations. ANSO Secretariat is located in Beijing and is financially supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


In 2018, the Ministry of Science and Technology in China (MOST) funded a key project to study the impacts of climate and hydrology changes on the Silk Road civilization. Inspired by the achievements of this project, Prof. Fahu Chen at the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, launched the Association for Trans-Eurasia Exchange and Silk Road Civilization Development (ATES) in 2019 under ANSO platform to promote cross-regional interdisciplinarystudies along the Silk Road and beyond. The launching of ATES helps to establish an international platform to exchange multi-discipline knowledge and the latest research achievements on the ancient Silk Road, including exchanges of culture, science and technology across the region’s perceptions of climate change and socio economic development in different historical periods, and effects of environmental changes on the rise and fall of the Silk Road civilization.

►UNESCO Beijing Office

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in the UN Agenda 2030. UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office was established in 1984. It is responsible for UNESCO’s projects and work in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Korea. Together with other UNESCO units and the entire United Nations family, UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office works to find and implement innovative solutions in social, cultural, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainable development, helping countries to achieve their national development priorities and commitments on Sustainable Development Goals and the Education Agenda 2030. It does so through five major programmes – education, social sciences, natural sciences, culture, and communication & information.

►Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is the most trusted public institution in Hungary, performing nation-wide missions related to the implementation, promotion and representation of science. MTA’s public body comprises almost 17 thousand scholars as members, and works as a self-regulatory legal entity. There are 95 Hungarian scientific institutions and research units operating in Hungary granted with the MTA Centre of Excellence qualification in recognition of their outstanding scientific work.

来源:一带一路国际科学组织联盟 ANSO